Looking Forward to Fall Programming

As summer approached, Trevor’s parents were looking for positive and meaningful experiences for Trevor and his two siblings. Twelve-year old Trevor had already attended White Cloud’s Project FOCUS Rural Grit program last school year, and with the program offering a summer session, his parents knew this would be a good fit for their kids. After Trevor’s mom told him he would be attending summer programming, he was even more excited for summer to begin.

“I’d heard really good reviews about it from other kids,” Trevor said. “I think it’s cool, because we get to do these really fun experiments… like, I heard next week, we’re going to get to go on our computers and code drones and fly them!” Trevor really likes summer programming because he gets more time in the day to do fun and cool things. He loves arts and crafts and enjoys wood carving and whittling. Trevor was particularly fond of a craft project they did this summer where they collected rocks, sticks and other natural material from outside and used them to make sculptures.

He’s also looking forward to school-year programming this fall. Since Trevor has made several new friends this summer, he is looking forward to continuing those friendships throughout Project FOCUS. Trevor credits the homework help and tutoring time at Project FOCUS for helping him turn his grades around from 5th grade to 6th grade. He said, “The only real reason I passed math this year was because of the help I got!”