Along with the beginning of a new school year also comes the start of a new programming year for our Out-of-School Time (OST) Programs; Engage!, Project FOCUS, and REACH. TrueNorth offers OST Programs in Baldwin, Hart, Hesperia, Holton, Muskegon Heights, Walkerville, and White Cloud, and each program has kicked off the new year in BIG ways! Check out all of the fun things happening for area youth.
Programming has included lessons surrounding:Choosing happiness; Being kind; Showing respect to others; Embracing unique differences; Spreading positivity; The Constitution; Controlling emotions; Season changes; Michigan Frogs; Safety; and STEAM Projects. The program also has offered interactive activities including: Fall arts and crafts; Scavenger hunts; Team building; Fall movies; Paper airplanes; College and career exploration; Nature hikes; Guest speakers; Obstacle courses; and more!
Prior to the 2022-2023 programming kick off, OST staff attended the Happiness Advantage/Orange Frog workshop which is designed to increase engagement, build resilience, and spread optimism within youth. The workshop focuses on the parable, The Orange Frog, who learns to embrace his differences and spread the “orange” way to live. Through doing so, he creates a positive ripple effect with his frog peers. Being orange is open to all, so staff have been implementing Orange Frog principles within their weekly programming, which in turn is infusing positive practices into their personal habits, school routines, and the entire school environment.