Lights On Afterschool Illuminates Out-of-School Time’s Importance
A high percentage of Michigan youth are in need of safe spaces to be when not in school. To meet this need, Out-of-School Time programs have been created to provide safe spaces along with opportunities for further enrichment. Lights On Afterschool is a national movement that brings awareness to these vital programs and the impact they have on children, families and communities.
Check out the rest of the article to learn more about Out-of-School Time, Lights On Afterschool and how you can make an impact on the next generation.
What is Out-of-School Time Programming?
Oftentimes, Out-of-School Time (OST) programming is misunderstood as being the same as childcare. There are noticeable differences between the two, however. According to the Michigan Afterschool Partnership (MASP), OST programs “provide safe places for students when their families are not available, as well as academic support, enrichment activities, and child and youth development opportunities.” These programs can occur before or after the school day and some programs even offer summer programming opportunities.
While some childcare facilities may have additional learning opportunities, they do not include as comprehensive programming as OST programs do. This doesn’t mean childcare is a poor option for families, just that there are real differences between childcare and OST that need to be acknowledged.
Need for Programming
There is a great need for OST programs in Michigan. A report from America After 3PM reinforces this need finding that, in Michigan, 236,968 children are alone and unsupervised after school. America After 3PM also found that for every child in a program, four are on the waitlist–exemplifying the need for OST programs.
These numbers illustrate how many children need a safe place to go after school. Not only do OST programs provide that safety, but they also enrich children through educational and social opportunities.
Benefits of Out-of-School Time Programming
OST programming benefits children in a number of ways. Comprehensive supports such as adult mentors give children another support system to lean on while also encouraging them to be their best selves. Being able to interact with their peers and learn how to work together is another benefit as America After 3PM Health & Wellness and Afterschool Alliance describe in their article, Promoting Healthy Futures: Afterschool Provides the Supports Parents Want for Children’s Well-Being. Collaboration and communication are examples of life skills children gain at OST programming as they learn and grow alongside each other.
America After 3PM Health & Wellness and Afterschool Alliance also discuss in their article how OST programs “are critical for helping young people navigate childhood
and adolescence by providing opportunities to build life skills.” Having a place where children feel safe to ask questions and try new skills and experiences positively impacts them as they encounter change.
Besides building life skills in areas such as communication and relationships, OST programs also teach children how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Many programs provide a meal during programming, ensuring children have the nutrients they need. Programming also can include physical activities that keep children active while learning and having fun. Learning what a healthy lifestyle looks like helps children make healthy decisions now and later in life.
OST programs set children up for success both inside and outside of the classroom. Ultimately, the goal of these programs is to ensure youth are equipped to lead happy, successful lives.
TrueNorth’s Out-of-School Time Programs
At TrueNorth Community Services, we believe every child deserves to have opportunities for growth, resources to thrive and encouragement to be themselves. We strive to provide opportunities for our children to build connections, self-confidence and resilience so that they can flourish. Through initiatives such as our OST Programs, we support the next generation and maintain a legacy of compassionate, forward-thinking leaders.
We have 13 OST programs that offer programming after the school day and during the summer. Enrolled children experience enriching and fun activities in a safe space. From collaborative opportunities to learning new subjects and interests, there are multiple opportunities for growth.
TrueNorth operates Project FOCUS (For Our Children’s Ultimate Success) and Project FOCUS Rural Grit through the federally-funded 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program in partnership with the Michigan Department of Education.Project FOCUS holds programming at Baldwin, Hart, Holton, Muskegon Heights and Walkerville schools. We also offer Project FOCUS Rural Grit in Hesperia and White Cloud schools.
What is Lights On Afterschool?
Lights On Afterschool is a nationwide event that celebrates OST programs and their impact on children, families and communities. The event also raises awareness of the great need for afterschool programming. This event launched in October, 2000, making this the 25th annual Lights On Afterschool event as Afterschool Alliance describes.
OST and afterschool programs celebrate this event in a variety of ways that best suits their participants and communities. There is one similarity throughout each event however–illuminating the importance of having safe places and role models for children after school.
“Lights On Afterschool draws attention to the need for high-quality, high-capacity Out-of-School Time programs both after school hours and in the summer,” says Danielle Siegel, TrueNorth’s Out-of-School Time Program Director. “Not only in our communities, but nationwide, programs have long waiting lists for children to get access to programming–to have a safe place to go after school with a warm meal, positive adult role models, and educational fun!”
One of the greatest impacts of Lights On Afterschool is raising awareness for OST programs. Many in our communities do not directly see the value of these programs or are unaware of their existence. Having this nationwide event opens the door for conversations on the real impact these programs have on area children.
TrueNorth’s Lights On Afterschool Events
All 13 of TrueNorth’s OST sites are holding their own Lights On Afterschool events to celebrate and raise awareness of the program. From painting bowls for a hunger prevention fundraiser to a spooktacular fall fest, each site has a unique and fun twist on the event.
A Look at Lights On Afterschool
Check out these highlights from a few of TrueNorth’s Out-of-School Time programs’ Lights On Afterschool events below!

Each of these events shared the impact of TrueNorth’s OST programs with parents and community members. We are grateful for all of the support and the opportunity to convey the importance of programming in our communities.
How You Can Impact the Next Generation
You can help ensure the next generation thrives. Whether you donate, volunteer your time or advocate, you can be confident you are making a real impact on our children. Learn how you can support area youth and make a difference here.
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