TrueNorth Day of Giving Strengthens Communities

TrueNorth Community Services is holding its fourth annual TrueNorth Day of Giving to support Michigan communities. This 24-hour fundraiser works to bring awareness to the needs of our neighbors, illustrating how we can join together to give a hand up to those in need.

In 2024, 80+ programs strengthened over 30,000 individuals in our communities. Keep reading to learn more about this impact and how you can help continue these essential supports.

Community Impacts

At TrueNorth, we believe everyone deserves opportunities to receive help, connect and give back. We provide a variety of programs and services aimed at moving our neighbors forward on their paths to self-sufficiency. Ultimately, our goal is to build and sustain vibrant communities where everyone thrives.

See a breakdown of our initiatives below to learn how we can work together to secure the well-being of our communities today and for years to come.

Housing and Energy Initiatives

According to James Krieger and Donna L Higgins’ article, “Housing and Health: Time Again for Public Health Action,” individuals that experience stable housing and energy resources maintain a better quality of life. Having these essentials greatly impacts community members’ well-being and the health of the community overall. Check out the immediate and long-term impacts below.

Immediate Impact:

  • Households with stable housing and energy experience improved physical and mental well-being.
  • People have secure access to cooking capabilities, proper medicine storage, necessary technology and home lighting.
  • Individuals receiving rent and/or utility assistance avoid financial crises.
  • People with secure housing will have less barriers when seeking employment.
  • Housed individuals are less likely to be exposed to harmful situations than those who do not have housing.
  • Children experience healthier development when stably housed with their parents.
  • Households remain warm and safe.
  • People that have their basic needs met are then able to take further steps towards self- sufficiency.

Long-Term Impact:

  • Individuals and families experience a better quality of life.
  • Households depend less on community resources for day-to-day life, allowing services to focus more on those in crisis.
  • People remain in their homes and experience less upheaval throughout their lives.
  • Households with stable housing and energy have more effective health recoveries and higher life expectancy.
  • Communities that integrate a housing-first approach to homelessness spend less overall on housing assists.
  • Housed individuals are more connected and invested in their communities.
  • Communities with energy-efficient households are better stewards of earth’s resources.
  • People will be able to prepare for unforeseen circumstances and live more sustainably.
Woman in a pink shirt sitting with her dog Otis.

“To be able to get into a place where I can maintain my bills, my car insurance, you know be able to go to my appointments, it’s life-changing,” reflects Michelle, a TrueNorth Housing Resource participant, on the impact having safe housing has had on her.

Last year, over 10,000 people like Michelle received the guidance and support necessary to lead healthy, secure lives. Please note, some service statistics may be duplicated due to participants accessing multiple programs. These supports include: Homeless Prevention Services, Permanent Housing Services and Housing Advocacy & Education Classes. All of these programs and services meet our neighbors where they are, ensuring everyone has the resources to lead safe, healthy lives.

Hunger Initiatives

When children and individuals do not have dependable access to nutritious food, their physical and mental well-being declines, according to Feeding America’s article, “Importance of Nutrition on Health in America.” Not only is food security essential to people’s health, but it also affects the community overall. See the impacts of food security below.

Immediate Impact:

  • Children develop physically, cognitively, emotionally and socially.
  • Children maintain a healthy relationship with food.
  • People have the nutrients necessary to prevent and manage mental health conditions.
  • Workers have the sustenance needed to remain healthy and productive.
  • Adults experience less health risk factors.
  • Elderly adults maintain better health conditions.
  • Families and individuals experience less financial stress.
  • Community members reach higher levels of education and employment.

Long-Term Impact:

  • Children succeed in school and transition well into adulthood.
  • Children that start with healthy dietary patterns are more likely to continue them as adults.
  • People experience a better quality of life through improved physical and mental health.
  • Community businesses retain productive workers.
  • Overall health care costs lessen for communities, businesses and individuals.
  • Elderly adults remain independent sustainably.
  • People with less financial stress support community businesses and causes.
  • Community members increase their income over their lifetime due to further education and employment opportunities.
Jackie standing in front of non perishable food items in TrueNorth's food center.

“If it wasn’t for TrueNorth I don’t know what I’d do. You guys have been lifesavers on more than one occasion,” says Jackie. “TrueNorth helps a lot more people than they know.”

Our Hunger Prevention Programs were accessed by people like Jackie seeking additional food resources over 85,600 times last year. Please note, some service statistics may be duplicated due to participants accessing multiple programs. This includes programs such as: On-site Food Center, Mobile Food Pantry, Senior Food Boxes, Weekend PowerPacks and Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon. These initiatives give our neighbors the hand up they need to build resilience and move forward.

Youth Initiatives

The Family and Youth Services Bureau describes how youth can be set up for success through connection with “family support, caring adults, positive peer groups, a strong sense of self and self-esteem and involvement at school and in the community.” Focusing on these areas allows youth to grow into their best selves in a supportive environment. Take a look at the positive effects of youth development initiatives on communities below.

Immediate Impact:

  • Youth experience a secure sense of belonging and a healthy mental state.
  • Youth envision a positive future and develop a sense of purpose.
  • Youth excel in educational and social experiences throughout their lives.
  • Youth develop socially, mentally and educationally.
  • Youth learn how to work with others by learning healthy communication and collaboration styles.
  • Youth experience a healthier lifestyle due to education and prevention programs.
  • Youth engage in creative thinking and problem solving that prepares them for their transition into adulthood.

Long-Term Impact:

  • Youth who experience team-building and leadership programs have an increase in confidence, perseverance and responsibility.
  • Youth mature into productive, well-rounded community leaders.
  • Youth that instill healthy living practices continue them into adulthood, helping reduce lifelong healthcare costs.
  • Youth become compassionate community leaders.
  • Youth with healthy family systems continue that cycle as they become tomorrow’s parents.
  • Youth who have quality educational experiences become skilled, employable adults.
  • Youth who experience healthy relationships and communication habits as children continue the trend as adults.
Student named Aiden wearing a blue sweatshirt, outside. - TrueBlue Academy. TrueMentors

“I feel more confident in myself as a person in general. It’s more easy to go out and talk to people,” says Aiden, a participant of TrueMentors, about the impact of the mentoring program.

In 2024, over 7,000 kids like Aiden received support from TrueNorth programs including: Out-of-School Time, Cultural Arts, Children’s Services, TrueMentors and Camp Newaygo (some service statistics may be duplicated due to participants accessing multiple programs). All of these programs aim to provide extra support and opportunities for youth, ultimately building the caring, confident leaders of tomorrow.

Community Building Initiatives

Having safe, welcoming spaces and enriching opportunities creates a community that thrives. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who experience quality social connections experience better health and feel encouraged to give back to their community. See below how community building initiatives strengthen our neighbors and communities overall.

Immediate Impact:

  • Community members maintain better physical and mental health when experiencing social connectedness.
  • Volunteers experience higher levels of happiness and connection to the community.
  • Volunteers multiply their impact on the community through their service and the cost savings they provide the nonprofits they engage with.
  • People create local networks in their community to stay connected in community happenings.
  • Individuals involved in the arts improve their personal well-being along with creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Community and individual social capital enhances.
  • People become invested in solving community problems.
  • Community members work together to solve community issues.

Long-Term Impact:

  • People experiencing social connectedness have an increase of trust and resilience in their community.
  • Volunteers maintain improved health and well-being while also increasing the well-being of the community through their service.
  • Nonprofits integrate volunteers into the fabric of their organization.
  • Communities with informed individuals have a higher success rate of reaching their goals.
  • Communities integrating the arts experience an increased sense of belonging that sustains community cohesion.
  • Community development increases human and economic assets.
  • People experiencing high social connection have increased levels of self-esteem and empathy, creating confident, compassionate community leaders.
Woman in a blue shirt sitting at a table for Community Connections programming.

“After spending years in the apartment, you know, it’s kind of nice,” says Cindy, a Community Connections participant and TrueNorth volunteer. “Giving purpose and having someone to talk to is a plus and we all need that. Especially us because most of us live alone.”

Over 9,000 people like Cindy fostered connections, renewed purpose, expressed themselves and gave their time through programs such as: Volunteer Services, Community Connections, Cultural Arts and Camp Newaygo. Please note, some service statistics may be duplicated due to participants accessing multiple programs. Each of these programs allowed individuals to connect with each other and the community, helping build and sustain vibrant communities.

Support TrueNorth Day of Giving to Strengthen Our Neighbors

The 2025 TrueNorth Day of Giving fundraiser will take place on Tuesday, February 25. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to ensure everyone has access to the support and opportunities they need to live and thrive.

When you make a gift on TrueNorth Day of Giving, you are furthering our mission of inspiring hope and creating a better world. Not only will you be helping our neighbors improve their lives, but you will also let them know they live in a community that cares.

You can make a real difference. Your generosity will have a ripple effect as many who receive help later give back to those in similar situations. Make a kindhearted donation today and be confident you are making a meaningful impact.

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